Demystifying Machine Learning

30-minute Talk - Saturday, July 27 at 10:30am in Cartoon 2

Machine Learning is something you'll see referenced very frequently now in everything from marketing materials to sales pitches, and job postings. With so much hype it can be hard to distinguish what people mean when they say Machine Learning. In this talk we will demystify Machine Learning by understanding its core concepts and applying that knowledge to real world examples.

We’ll explain basic concepts like linear algebra and loss functions, figure out when to use machine learning and build an ML model that we’ll be able to use in real world apps. Here’s an in-depth list of what we’ll cover:

  • What Machine Learning is and where it’s being used
  • How to recognize when machine learning is necessary
  • Math & Statistics 101
  • Algorithm 1: Linear Regression
  • Live Coding Session Salary Estimator
  • Q & A


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