Sunday 11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.

Everything is broken, and I don't know why.

Matt Robenolt

Audience level:


We all have someone on our team who writes code with bugs in it. Not us, of course, but someone else. This code somehow gets into production and this code just maybe sometimes crashes. How can we detect these issues and extract useful information at runtime so we can fix these bugs? What kind of stuff should we even be looking for?


In this talk, attendees will learn about how to introspect their python application during a crash and learn how to extract more useful information than just a traceback to aid in debugging production issues.

Some topics we'll be covering:

  • Errors vs Exceptions and how these are handled across different languages.
  • Introduction to tracebacks and what they mean.
  • Introspection into tracebacks and debugging application state during an exception.
  • What do we do with this data? How do we collect more? What information should we collect?
  • Meet globals() and locals().
  • Structured logging.