CSS as a Service: Maintaining Style
By Shay Howe

We often build multiple websites and applications that share the same styles across multiple code bases (style guides/pattern libraries). Maintaining these styles becomes quite a task, and causes increasing frustration overtime. Fortunately it doesn’t have to be this way, and in this talk for designers and engineers, we’ll discuss how.

Sunday 2:15 p.m.–2:45 p.m. in Hays Cape

We often build multiple websites and applications that share the same styles across multiple code bases (style guides/pattern libraries). Maintaining these styles becomes quite a task, and causes increasing frustration overtime. Fortunately it doesn’t have to be this way.

Within this talk we’ll cover a service-oriented architecture approach to writing HTML and CSS, including Sass, and keeping our code modular and performant. Geared towards designers and front-end developers, we’ll discuss at how to best structure and write front-end code for maintainability and reuse, as well as how to properly package these styles to be used within different development environments. Consistency shouldn’t take a back seat to maintainability, and this talk covers how to have the best of both worlds.

Shay Howe

As a designer and front-end developer, Shay has a passion for solving problems while building creative and intuitive products. He specializes in product design, interface development, and organizational leadership, areas in which he regularly writes and speaks about. Currently, he is the VP of Design at ActiveCampaign, helping growing businesses meaningfully connect and engage with their customers. Elsewhere, he is a co-founder of Lead Honestly and Chicago Camps, a partner at Prota Ventures, board member at DESIGNATION, and the author of “Learn to Code HTML and CSS.”
