Events Overview

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Lightning & Thunder Talks

9:00am-2:30pm Saturday: Streaming 5 and 10-minute talks on various topics. Full PyOhio Schedule


During the weekend, folks can collaborate on open source projects. We'll provide a chat channel and optional video conferencing link for groups that are interested. This is a great opportunity to help people get started with contributing to a project!

Sprint Listing

Projects will be added to the List of Sprints as they're submitted.

Want to help organize a sprint?

Fill out this form or email with the following information:

  • Name of project
  • Repo URL
  • Link to development setup instructions (if available)
  • Name of person coordinating sprint
  • Times you plan to be available during the weekend

Open Spaces

Set times with chat and/or video conferencing to discuss a topic of interest. Information on proposing an open space session coming soon.


Register here to participate in chat during PyOhio talks, sprints, and open spaces.